If your payment has been refused, we advise you to place your order again with another payment method but also to refresh your web page.
If the problem persists, we recommend that you empty your cache and cookies and use Google Chrome for optimal navigation.
Do not hesitate to contact our customer service here.
If your payment card has been charged several times, please contact our customer service as soon as possible.
Make sure to provide the payment proof in order for our team to assist you.
To track the debit and verify the payer's identity, you will be asked for confirmation of certain data.
If you have a discount code or a coupon, simply enter it in the "Promo Code" field in the summary of your order before proceeding with the payment and click OK.
The discount will be automatically applied to your order.
Please note that the discount code is deducted from the price of the purchased item and not from the total with the postage/taxes.
Nooz is not responsible for taxes and additional service fees charged by some countries as stated in the clause #4 of our General Terms of Sale.
Customers will be held responsible for any restrictions, duties, taxes and other charges levied by the country of destination before placing an order.
Nooz will not be responsible for any duties, taxes or customs fees under any circumstances.
We use 3 independent secure payment services:
By card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express
No other method of payment is accepted. We also do not accept payment after delivery. Your purchases must be paid at the time of ordering.
Each of these services have their own method of securing payment information.
Nooz Optics has no access to confidential payment data and does not store it either. The information that you send us to process your order is only used within the framework of our commercial relationship. In no way this information will be shared with third parties or resold.